
Monday, March 11, 2013


Just in time for the enclave.

The Vatican Buys Europe's Biggest Gay Sauna: VIDEO

Don't miss the comments on the page. Some are priceless.

You know what a gay sauna is, right?

A place to go and relax along with fellow heat worshipers. And if a little close up fellowship is available, then that too.

I am indifferent to the results of this week's election. I think most people are.

There was a time, when I was a kid, when the chimney watch was a major television feature.

Now, ho hum.

There is not a lot of difference between one bigot hypocrite and another.

New is the admission that there are, indeed, gay cardinals. If they get caught.

Sissy Spellman in NY city carried on for years with the young priests who ministered to his needs and everyone knew it. But no whistles blew.

And that is just the beginning.

Suffice to say it is all a sick joke. Too bad that many, too many, people's lives are ruined by these bastards.

Sure they do good. But on their terms.


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