Thursday, March 14, 2013
Last fall I bought a desert rose plant to fill out my cactus/succulent collection on the patio.
I went against a long standing principle which is to never buy a plant that is in bloom.
But it was so pretty, I brought it home. And while it does not look like a cactus, it lives like one. Well, one that needs a bit more water.
I think that it is deciduous. I am too lazy to look it up. You do it.
The blooms lasted for a month or so and then, winter came, lower sun and all, and it bore no more blossoms.
Then about 6 weeks ago, it dropped all its leaves.
This confirmed my worst fears. But a few leaves stayed and so I let it go. I had nothing to fill the space.
Soon after, there appeared to be buds all over the stem ends.
The buds grew.
Now the first spring blossoms are in full life and there are many many buds.
I guess it has two seasons!
Well, it has had two, whether that means two a year is not yet clear.
A lot of plants do this in the desert. They get the unfiltered sun and the heat, spring forth and have a full bloom.
The summer heat puts them in dormancy.
Then the fall comes and the plant revives to do another set of blooms before it has its winter and fall (of a few weeks) and begins again.
Hope so.
Labels: botany, cactus, desert, flowers