Thursday, March 14, 2013
Suddenly, it is summer.
Two things.
Pacific Daylight Savings Time has opened up the post dinner Booker-walk period. The best time really.
Booker doesn't like the direct sun that much except when it is chillier and with the hot days now, that makes the night walk even more desirable.
This will last eight months and, in the fall, we will be able to cheat a little bit after PST comes back.
As far as the light is concerned, we are a little different here. The mountain takes an hour away from the "normal" flat land day.
The shadow is on us by 615PM. And we are further out now than we used to be. A good thing.
Of course, we are no where near official summer (JUne) but that is life in the desert. Anything but normal.
Ahhhh. Summer.