Sunday, March 17, 2013
It was perfect to see the Miike film today as I am headed out for a rare dinner with some friends. A close seatmate in AA is having a small celebration of his anniversary.
I don't usually go to these as I would end up "having to" go to a lot of them and it is too difficult to do all and impossible to pick and choose.
But this guy is special and so is the day.
The "do" is at an oriental buffet place which is probably culinary hackery but it is still a preferred form for eating out. No waiting. Eat what you want. Go back for seconds (unlikely) and get on with the festivities.
We don't get oriental food much as it is either go to Panda, which is pretty bad, or go sit down and wait and endure the intricacies of the chopsticks, the waiting or the doubt about the menu.
For awhile there was a great place here with the grill setup at your table. Actually two. Both have gone under.
There are others but not worth the trip.
Anyway, here I am.
Asian day.
Labels: food