Sunday, March 17, 2013
Today's film was Takashi Miike's
Hara-Kiri Death of a Samurai (2011)
Not another samurai picture because it views from the underbelly of the system.
A father, son and grandson (all samurais by virtue of inheritance) have fallen on hard times as the samurai business is in a deep recession. No wars.
In addition, in the absence of wars, the samurai system of retainers and estates have become full of empty ceremony and attention to a self-defined "honor".
The plot in this richly realized picture is so unusual that I do not want to write about it. Everything is a spoiler. It may already be spoiled by telling you what situation the main characters have found themselves.
Here is the deal. The film is beautiful. It is always one step ahead of us but not too far. Well, ahead of me, but not too far.
There is a long period of suffering and deprivation which is difficult to watch but, hey, it wouldn't be so compelling without the down side. Like life, eh?
I can report that there is vindication and a great resolution of wrongs.
Just not in the way I would have planned it.
I would be happy to see this again and watch the carefully paced story as it evolves and how character overcomes the clichés of this traditional framework. Samurai stories are the Japanese westerns.
This would be more on the order of High Noon or that train to Yuma we have seen in two or three versions.
I enjoyed Miike's other films that I have seen. He is on my radar.
A 4 out of Netflix5.
Labels: films