Monday, March 25, 2013
I went to the Nephrologist today. A PA-C working in the group practice. Who hugs. Nice. And on time service with a smile. I like that.
Less likable was the news that I do have a kidney problem which will need to be addressed.
It is not trivial. The "function" tests for the last three 6 month intervals have been heading down, a bit faster than they like.
So. I am off aspirin and ibuprofen.
I am to drink a lot of water (but I already do so that is a no brainer).
I am to get an additional battery of blood tests
I am going for an ultrasound to look for a tumor (ugly word, eh?).
All this in the next four weeks then a meet with Joey again.
I would like to dramatize this a bit and indulge in some self pity but that isn't very productive and it isn't the way that I live now. If I ever did.
I will march to the orders I am given with the assent of my personal doc. My advisor.
My attitude? Well, I certainly have one but I think that it is in pretty good shape.
I went to the appointment with several scripts. One about waiting too long in the office. That didn't occur.
Another about not liking the doc or feeling his/her competence. No dice. She was great. (hug) (hug).
I even wrote a script about how I wasn't going to modify my diet. Stop salt and all that. It didn't come up.
So I am good to go and I will keep you posted on the progress of yet another adventure.
As John points out, there is something about being older that can increase the chances some of the parts will wear out or grow unwanted appendages. I guess it is inevitable. My job description says to deal with them. I am the one who wanted to live to be 90. So I get what I get and do what I do to make it. Or not.
That part is not up to me anyway. I am doing the best I can with maintenance.