Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Edie Windsor tells how it all came about.
She is the plaintiff in today's DOMA case at SCOTUS.
"It made a huge difference".
They were together 45 years and it made a difference to be married.
I can testify to this.
We were full certified domestic partners when we got married and I did take marriage seriously because we were a part of the legal fight for so long (see GLAD below).
Of course, we would do it. And we did.
The applause of the hundred or so friends had not subsided and I knew something "magical" had happened. For them. For us. Even our dog, Franklin, knew. He barked along with the applause.
It is important to be "legitimate". I am an iconoclast and a loner. The last person to seek society's approval or even want to be with "them" when they approve.
I felt, I feel different.
John and I have been together for 37 years and more. Actually 38 in just four days.
And it has always been great, spectacular, miraculous, fun, exciting, passionate, a spiritual meld of two beings like none other.
And the second we were married it was like looking through a magnifying glass. All bigger and better.
Since then? We have continued the "fight". We live in a communal property state so our status as partners gets us a joint return with the state and the federal government.
You know, it is not widely understood that the IRS already recognizes our partnership if the states have communal property. A small thing but important.
It is hell to go through the bureaucratic shit each year to insure that we get our due but we do it.
This is a big deal for everyone.
Signs are good that in a while, if the state says we are married, the feds will too.
God bless Edie Windsor.
It is not about the cash which is nice but really, it is about the magic and the recognition that love is love. And this is the United States of America where all are to be equal under the law. Any law.
Labels: marriage equality