Thursday, March 14, 2013
The California Closet guys came yesterday afternoon. On time.
It took them about two hours to install two closets.
One in our workroom that organizes the space much more effectively. The other at the end of the kitchen with more shelves. The old layout wasted a lot of cubic space.
We were going to get fancy with bi-fold mirrored doors but now can see that is not necessary for access to the central sections. As we thought. One reason not to do every aspect of your plan if you can go one stage at a time. You learn as you go.
The guys were very effective. Clean, neat, orderly.
All the stuff is back in. We had one's closet's stuff all over the day bed or, rather, Booker's one bed in the workroom and on the dining room table.
The un-neatness of that drives me nuts. John was good about getting it all back into place by last night.
One outcome is that we, again, found a lot of shit we didn't need.
Some of this was postponed from disposal when we moved three years ago (yes it is almost three years). Mostly CDs and DVDs that we never listen to. And will never listen to.
They are now recycled into the "goodwill" store inventory, somewhere.
These are not our cds. I liked the picture. But I notice Van Halen. I would keep them. Also a few others.
Our old stuff was mostly people we had heard in concert and bought the record outside in the lobby, riding a high. And never listened after that. We had heard the real thing after all.
There was a lot of Rosemary Clooney and others too numerous to mention. Also jaded tastes. I have listened to all the Hall and Oates sides that I am ever going to listen to. Ever.