Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I went to the ATT store today to get a bill error fixed and, at the same time, bought a new old cell phone. Mobile phone.
This is the old clamshell, simple real buttons, one little screen, no chance of "pocket calls".
They made me pay for it as I am not "up for a new one" until the fall. I paid for it gladly.
I have tried to live with the Samsung which you type on screen. It has functions so available that they "fall out" of their little hiding place onto the screen. It makes calls for me without my knowing. It is a royal pain in the ass.
It is now at the ATT store, in the recycle box.
So glad to have it over with.
This is what I wanted when we switched from Verizon but I was too impatient to wait for it. I took the Samsung and have been punished for my compulsiveness ever since.
Labels: technology