
Thursday, February 28, 2013


So to speak.

I am not a complete knee jerk gay man.

I have been embarrassed and ashamed of the general gay stance vv Bradley Manning and the so called Wikileak case.

Gay people and other lefties leaped to Manning's defense. They accused the government, specifically the military of harassment and mistreatment. Even of torture.

These people were very very noisy.

They are more or less silent today on all the liberal/progressive and gay blogs.

Here is why.

Bradley Manning Enters Guilty Pleas in Wikileaks Case

Not that this will silence them all.

They will still claim that Manning, an enlisted military intelligence specialist did the right thing.

Never mind that what he did is traitorous.

I have not been ready to support Manning at any point in all this.

I believe that security clearance is a legit thing and to violate it is a very serious offense.

Is he really serious that he thought it was his duty? To whom?

Sure we over-securitize but that is another point.

Manning has manned up and stated the obvious, what was obvious from the very beginning.

Incidentally, a hacker who Manning confided in blew the whistle on him. Good for him. The whistleblower got whistled.

See that uniform? That makes all the difference as far as I am concerned.

The place of Wikileaks in all this seems to be detached. They apparently didn't ask Manning to do it. He sent the stuff to them. They didn't brainwash him. He did it on his own.

Sure, he is gay. So fucking what? Picked on? OK. Is that a basis to turn traitor to your country and violate your oath?

Don't think so.

Oh. Did they give him a hard time? Probably. A stockade is not a friendly place and, in the same way a child molester is the lowest of the low in prison, a traitor is the lowest of the low in military prison. He was kept separate to protect him. That this was used as a way to kick his ass some is an open question. I suppose it was. Too bad. Give him some time off his sentence.


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