Saturday, February 16, 2013
In today's NYT:
California: Former Archbishop Writes of HumiliationThis has been going on for years. Hide and seek with the Archbishop.Cardinal Roger M. Mahony says he has been publicly humiliated in recent days by people who are angry over his handling of the clergy sexual abuse scandal. Cardinal Mahony, a former archbishop of Los Angeles, said in a blog post on Thursday that he understood the depth of their anger and had asked God to bless and forgive them. He also said he is praying during Lent for the grace to endure the public criticism. Recently released files show that Cardinal Mahoney and other top officials maneuvered to shield priests accused of sexual abuse to protect the Roman Catholic Church from scandal.
The release of files has been through all of the courts. There is nowhere to turn.
But Roger insists that it is about victimizing and blaming him, the good "father". He is one of the most blatant resistors in the child abuse scandal.
He is hated in LA. Period.
I suppose this means that people are approaching him personally to vent their anger at him. I hope they are spitting too.
If I saw him I would say something.
Another hypocrite hiding behind a "religion".

Labels: christist watch