
Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today's movie was based on the William Gibson story

Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

with Keanu Reeves as the guy who has an overloaded implant in his head with everyone trying to get what's in there out. Even if they have to take the head to get there.

It is a cyberpunk masterpiece. There aren't many. Blade Runner, a few more.

I have not seen it in a very long time.

I like William Gibson, I like Keanu Reeves and so it is a natural high five out of Netflix five for me.

There is little to say about the film. It is a long chase. There is a lot of fighting. The ideas behind it are intellectually satisfying. The sets are magnificent.

I have read all of Gibson and the idea of dystopian divisions between the corporates and the lowteks is carried out perfectly.

Most of Gibson's insurgent, rebel have-not populations live in or on a bridge community made out of all kinds of materials scrounged from the rich world. I have seen this in my mind's eye. This film captures what I have seen quite closely. No dissonance.

The cast is pretty good and the acting is beautifully cartoonish. Not camp.

The special effects are superb and not overdone. Unlike some current films, the director does not depend on these to carry dramatic arc or excitement. Conventional elements like the sets and the costume design do the heavy lifting which include a cyber-dolphin named Joan. Great stuff.

Direction by Robert Longo.

Did I say this was a five? Yes. It is.

I am doing a slow insertion of Keanu films into the queue as I go along. One, Point Break, is in such demand that it has been at the top of my list for weeks waiting for me to get my turn at it.

Many of his films are now cult items. Both of these are good examples.

Soon I will be getting Speed and some more. And more.


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