Monday, February 11, 2013
Astonishing. But then, I did it. So did all my friends.
Practically Everyone Retires Early These Days
Part of this is the financial reward for doing so.
There is a difference of course if you go out early, less money, but the difference does not in the aggregate mean that much as life expectancy increases.
I even had the SSA person I went to convince me to take it early. She did the math and, yup, it worked out to be more in the aggregate in just those four years than if I waited for the bigger payment.
If they want people to work longer, and I am not sure why they would actually as it would increase unemployment, the need to amend the payment structure and to stop the SSN employees from selling the early out option.
Besides, many many people have a separate retirement package which covers the difference anyhow if you loo at it the right way. Blur your vision. And, at least here, you can work for pay on top of the social security check and do it under the table. I do not, of course, but it is very common to do so.

Labels: retirement