Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Yesterday's movie period was taken up by a visit to the dentist.
My four month checkup. A result of bad teeth and advanced age. More scraping and digging.
It turned out that I had no cavities at all. I was scolded for some deeper crevasses along the gum line.
I take a lot of this with a grain of salt. Perhaps that is why I have less than perfect teeth. I have been guilty of a life of half-way measures.
It was also my first visit since the meltdown I had with the other dental technician last time. We are incompatible. I had him before and didn't like it and somehow they had scheduled him instead of Cathy, my regular.
Things went downhill. Neither of us likes the other.
I should have left but I didn't. He made some negative notes. Cathy said she wouldn't read them when she saw certain words like "disagreeable". Good.
It is over.
I am done until June sometime. In the meantime, I am to keep those crevasses open and bloody. Or something.
FreddiesModernKungFu shows us how to floss correctly. I honestly never knew it was to be done this way. Is this right?
I am not kidding.
I did buy the Waterpik water flosser and use it every night. There is no way that it reproduces this action.