Thursday, January 17, 2013
I have mentioned that this is the coldest winter we have had here in Palm Springs.
Of course, to Southern Californians, anything less than 60 is cool to cold. Freezing is something you take a short vacation to witness but not to live in full time.
In the 16 years we have been here, I have become a native.
I have quit wearing shorts all year long. The jeans go on in November and will stay there until, what, maybe March.
The blood thins. The tolerance to cool decreases.
The goose bump ratio rises. Or does it lower?
Yesterday it was in the low 60s so, as Booker and I left the house for our PM walk, I had on my fleece jacket. Maybe a bit much when we left in the sun but necessary on the return lap as the warming sun goes behind the mountain. Not really "sets". More that it is hidden.
As we went by the complex' pool, I heard splashing and happy voices.
There have been no poolers in weeks.
What happened?
It is high season and the one month, two month people are here. Some are obviously "illegals" meaning less than a month which is prohibited in the HOA rules, nevertheless, we do have outlaws from time to time.
Anyway, these people, many from places like Michigan and Wisconsin, are in the water. Splashing.
Actually, in the water is not too bad. They keep the temp at 85F. But when you get out it is cooooold.
One can dunk into the spa which is at a coolish 100 degrees but, sooner or later, wet, there will have to be a reckoning of the reality of the air.
I remember.
We used to be these people. More renters than leasers at a local hotel, more like a small apartment but still a hotel.
We were the ones out there in the water when the owners of the hotel had on sweaters and long pants.
If you come here with the thick blood of the north then it doesn't much matter whether it is cold by Palm Springs standards. Compared to home it is torrid.
So, into the pool. Lie in the sun. Enjoy.
Actually, during the day in the sun you will be getting 80-90 degree effect on your body. If there is no wind. And even if there is a breeze, the sun warms as no other sun can outside the desert. No humidity to filter the rays. Warm warm.
But, as for me and my thin blood, I will not be in the pool any time soon.