Friday, January 11, 2013
What Arnold could only talk about, Gerry has done. With the help of a lot of agencies and now, a supermajority in the legislature.
California Balances Its BudgetWhen we moved here, California was still the land of the golden cow. All tits on full flow.
Then, the recession and overspending and a refusal to up the ante on taxes. Because California is also the land of Prop 2 1/2 and the Arnold recision of the auto registration fees. A big source of income in this automotive state.
Then trouble. Schools unfunded. Deficits. Pain.
Gridlock in the legislature and in the government at large.
Then Brown. A new era.
He said he would do it and he has.
We actually voted "yes" to a new tax to help the guv' out. Prop 30. Sold as a solution for the underfunded school systems.
Now black ink. Brown and black. A good color combination.
Good news.

Labels: California