
Sunday, December 23, 2012


What will happen when (not if) we go over the "fiscal cliff".

Cliffhanger: What Will Happen?

Not much, actually.

The Obamas have been planning on this for a long time. All departments are ready and there, apparently, will not even be layoffs.

The IRS will not start collecting more taxes off the payroll or any of the dire predictions.

The markets already seem more or less indifferent. Yes. It went down the other day but it had gone way up before that.

The fact is that there will be an agreement and while it may take awhile, both sides will realize that it has to be and there you are.

The liberals, speaking for my side first, will realize there has to be some tinkering with the entitlements. A plan is already on the table.

The GOP, a little harder, perhaps, will have to abandon their "no tax raises ever".

It will take them awhile to get over the hurt of the election and to realize that they have no mandate. They lost seats and every election for every seat was local. And they have a shitty approval rating already. If they don't come to terms then the Demos will take it all back in 2014 and they will have no one to blame but themselves.

Am I worried about it? Hell no.

My man has already stepped back and resubmitted his original goals in a modest plan. Back to the 250,000.

There is a lot of criticism of Obama as a negotiator but you cannot negotiate with immovable people. They will move when they feel the heat.

Boehner is an ass but he has a heart. Right now it is in his ass but it will end up in the right place. Or the Senate will take a swing and Boehner will decide to submit a proposal that has enough Democratic support and enough GOP support to carry. And the wingnuts be damned. He has already fired two of them from committee.

So that is why I have not written much about this.

You know, Obama went to the Harvard Negotiation school which is a lot like the Program my company used to teach. He is canny. He has prepared his side by already having neutralized the impact of an impasse on his government. Smart move.

Remember most disaster predictions are horse shit.


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