
Friday, December 07, 2012


Today is Pearl Harbor Day. December 7, 1941.

I was four going on five.

I remember the radio on. People upset and coming and going in the house. My mother fainting and on the couch.

When something like this happened in the "old days" not everyone had a radio nor could comprehend what was going on. So they would get in their cars and go visit relatives and friends who would have the news or an idea of what it meant.

My Dad always had the latest and highest fi radio. You would be surprised at how good it was. Big speakers. A floor model.

My Dad also had an opinion because he read the papers every day and was thoughtful about world affairs. He listened to Lowell Thomas and other commentators.

So there were a lot of people visiting that day.

Me? I guess I knew something bad had happened.


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