Thursday, December 27, 2012
Today's film was the documentary
a record of the life and times and accomplishments of Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
This is built from archival material and adds some sections where Bill's audio tape voice is accompanied by actors moving through scenarios about his life.
It sticks pretty well with the idea that the substance of AA is the stories of its members.
Bill W could never be a member since he achieved such a position that other members revered him and, at times, put him on a pedestal.
This film and AA as an organization has never tried to hide his flaws or the turmoil that sometimes was involved in the organization's growth or Bill's own recovery. He was human.
To their credit, they are frank about what has always been "rumored" but also generally known. Good. It, like all good AA Meetings brings out the truth about our lives and the life of our organization.
There is so much to tell about AA that it is hard to get it all into 90 minutes but these guys have done a good job.
For a member of AA it is a touching and sometimes tearful rendition of what is known already only with a bit of a new touch here and there. Bill W. films have been available for a long while but new technology has rendered their distribution obsolete or, at best, difficult. Not many people have a 16mm projector available anymore.
The DVD fills a deep gap and need.
For anyone outside AA, it is a good history and a very helpful outline of how the Program works. What it is and what it is not.
I bought this DVD, it is not generally reviewed even though it did play in theaters and has been distributed through a networks of members and organizations surrounding AA.
Labels: films