
Thursday, December 20, 2012


The Volvo showed snowflake-33 on its outdoor temp indicator this morning. That means it is fucking cold!

I already knew it was cold since I stopped for gas on the way home from the gym at 515AM.

Without a jacket, as usual, it was hard to stand still while the gas pump dinged itself into the car.

Later this morning, I went to put water in the fountain outside and the middle bowl had a big skim of real ice on it.

It is hard to realize that we are in in the midst of winter.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice.

It is cold.

When we went out to pee this morning, Booker and I, we saw a very very clear sky. That is it. A cold northern storm, some rain yesterday and now radiation cooling to beat all.

I am arming myself for a cold winter. Actually, legging myself. I have no long pants. Now that I have lost about 35 pounds, I really have no long pants. Not a lot of shorts either.

So I am buying some jeans for the first time in many years.

I am ready for this climate change thing which I am certain is upon us.


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