Sunday, December 16, 2012
The big news today is that one of my "kids" who I interviewed for MIT has been accepted.
I remember him well and I gave him one of my best write-ups.
This does not happen very often.
I shot a "congratulations" email to him this morning.
He is the first "early action" kid that has gotten in.
I always figure that earlies are a slim chance. I still am not sure why people want to go in that direction. But they do. More and more.
What makes the difference for a kid to be accepted, I think, is a compelling life story. And a clear ability to make lemonade out of lemons. To work hard. If you don't find yourself on the winning side then look for a back entrance.
Just a small part of this guy's story is that when he moved to his present school, he wanted to play basketball but he was short and fat. Today he is on the varsity. A Bob Cousy of the team. I hope you know who Bob Cousy is. This young man does.
He is still short. But not fat.
Of course, his admission has little to do with me or my writeup but I am pleased nevertheless.
I think that it is no accident that he attends the same school that my last admit comes from. He is now a Junior. A success. But all admits are successful. That is how good the MIT selection and retention process is.
A happy day.
My last interview is today. Yesterday's was great. A wonderful kid who would be a good admit.

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