
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I went out to the Volvo this morning to go to the gym and it would not start. Dead battery.

This is the first time with this car but not uncommon here in the desert where a battery's life is limited by the heat and aridity.

We try to remember to ask them for an extra special check of battery strength but with Volvo such militance is redundant. I am sure that they do all they can.

And there are 7000 miles between maintenance sessions. It takes us almost a year to drive that far.

So, it was no gym.

We belong to AAA but Volvo has its own complimentary service which I called.

A guy was here in 30 minutes, promised in 45. A looker. Always nice.

It is a little hard to get into the Volvo battery but he says not as bad as a Mercedes or other similar autos. He actually doesn't get many Volvo calls for anything. A good sign.

So he got it started. It was dead-dead so he advised to keep it running all the time until we take it into the dealer for a new battery.

John is there now.

We went to the store as scheduled. The dog got his walk. Everything went on schedule but the gym which I actually grieve about some but I will recover.

I don't like doing it. Do not view it as a vacation. It is unwanted.

Nevertheless things will be back on track soon and that is a wrap.

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