Friday, November 16, 2012
We took John to get his eyelids shortened this morning.
There is a technical name for it but I don't want to have to spell it.
OK. A blepharoplasty.
His lid was dragging on the eyeball and making him cry all the time to say nothing of hurt.
It is common.
I feel that I do have to state that it is not cosmetic surgery. Or we wouldn't have done it. Maybe. It is covered by medicare.
Of course, to the self centered, like me, the whole thing was an inconvenience but not one without some entertainment value.
They want you to stay around and the fucking thing took 2.5 hours!
But I took Booker and we did the morning walk around the place.
Here is what we found.
A long strip of new dirt to walk in. There was no evidence of any plant life whatsoever. When we turned on a very long side street there was new grass on one side for the entire length. No sidewalk!
Along there, we found another big dog who was friendly and had an obsessive interest in Booker's ears. Sniff sniff.
I have never seen that. Booker seemed OK with it. He is a bit sensitive about the ears and I worry when people do too much ear work on him. But they enjoyed each others company while a neat looking/talking guy and I flirted a bit. Both of us were strangers to the street. He from out of town. Well, me too.
Then. We realized that we were passing a development of really huge houses which turned out to be eight gated estates behind another gate! Space in each of 6-8 cars. A development of macmansions!
They are paying through the nose for the outside the wall landscaping.
Booker almost immediately found a low bush and pooped on it. He loves to do that. We can't figure the attraction but it is inevitable when he has a mind for it. The bush has to be thick enough to kind of make it hard to extract the poop and not high enough to tickle his tummy.
Then we returned. An hour walk.
For the rest of the time we read, rested, did small walks around the medical complex. A retinal expert, a cosmetic surgery place, a lab, a few individual docs and a snack bar in the making. A cafe.
As we waited, the nurses copped to us being out there and one by one came to see Booker. Of course, in my opinion, this probably added half an hour to John's stay inside. But probably not so.
At the end, John emerged. We were happy to see him. All swolley eyed and in a wheel chair. Not that he needed the chair but they always make you go out in one of those.
The people are very nice and we had a good time when we thought about it.
This is not John!