Sunday, November 25, 2012
In some places, the problem is voter suppression. Not in California where more people voted than ever before.
California as a Model of Good Voting Practice
We signed up over a million new voters this year many of them under 35. On line registration that works!
We have voting by mail. I am a convert. 9.2 million people or 65% voted by mail.
And if you do go to the polls, they are conveniently located and have plenty of room when you go.

When I voted for real in the polling place I never waited. Well, once and it was about five people all of whom I knew because it was in my neighborhood.Old home week! Entertainment while you wait.
The costs for this are not higher. They man the polls with folks who volunteer and in places that give the space over for free.
And yes, California has initiatives on the ballot and the initiatives bring out the vote. This year it was Prop 30 in which we raised taxes on ourselves. Yikes! I bet even the teas voted for that out here. People turn out for issues like this.
I don't like propositions and initiatives but I like to vote on them, up or down. It brings the government closer to me even when it is too simple minded.
Give people a reason to come out and they will. Engagement.
Labels: elections