
Thursday, November 01, 2012


Today's movie was the french NYTimes Critics' Pick

The Valet (2006)

with Daniel Auteuil. A wonderful actor who I am going to watch in a bunch of upcoming films.

This is a farce directed by the adept Francis Veber whose specialty is this kind of modern comedy.

A mogul, Auteuil, tries to cover up his relationship with a mistress by hiring an auto valet to stand in for him as the paparazzi close in on the affair. Kristen Scott Thomas, another favorite, is the wife who knows everything because she has a private eye on the scene. Then there are the other shadows and the girlfriend of the valet and..........

You must get the picture.

The film moves very fast and surprises even as it hits common tropes.

A lot of LOL.

I will give this a 5 because I have seen this before and thoroughly enjoyed seeing it again.

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