
Monday, November 05, 2012


I am ready for the election to be over.

I feel pretty confident that Obama will get his second term. I am not the only one.

If not, and there is always the faint "if", then I will be glad it is over anyway and I will start working on the next one.

I am close to the electoral vote calculators and feel that is how he is going to do it.

There has been a trend upwards since the beginning of last week. Some say, actually, since the Veep debate.

Did you know that this is where we were in 2008? Bush was, like Obama, ahead by about one point over Kerry and had some electoral advantages and that is how it went down.

The advantage of the incumbent.

I note that the GOPs are gathering their excuses together today. Hurricane Sandy. Some others.

OK. Let's have at it.


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