Thursday, November 22, 2012
Funny hours for the gym today so, as a result, my routine.
They will close tonight at 6PM and reopen tomorrow at 6AM.
Kinda late if they are trying to give the employees a break but good for the customers to come in and work it off during the feasting.
The result for me is that it will be a shutout tomorrow morning so I went in today at the usual 430 time and found John, the desk guy, working out in back and a few other stalwarts in various stages of their routines plus a sprinkling of newbies. Vacationers? Dunno.
Tomorrow will be a sleep in day for me. Three in a row.
The thought did occur to me that I could go in Saturday morning if I was so upset about missing a day but that thought did not last long.
I think this happens every year and I forget about it.
I came home this morning, did the pumpkin pie and now will coast for the day.
I got the long awaited Spiderman with my boy Garfield in it.
I moved it ahead in the home pile, out of turn, to have a holiday film event.
Just like the movies.

Labels: holiday