Wednesday, November 07, 2012
QUOTE OF THE DAYupdated with Pierce' full article
From Bill in Exile. Quote from Charlie Pierce.“So it was their night tonight, the people’s night, and some of them started leaving as soon as he started speaking, and many of them began leaving in earnest when his family rejoined him on stage in the company of the family of Joe “The Happy Warrior” Biden, to forgotten ironies of Springsteen’s “We Take Care of Own.” But there was something he did, on his way out, and that was to come back, alone, when Michelle and Joe and everybody else had gone. He came back, one more time, waving that inevitable hand, and he would have looked like nothing more than a happy man extending his moment of triumph, if he had not stopped in his tracks, and then snapped his head, in time with the music, three successive times towards his chest, leading with his chin. It was a jock’s move, a competitor’s move, the kind of private moment you arrange for yourself on the field of play, and it was his moment, his time, on a night that belonged to everybody else. He had been diminished as a symbol until he had finally become a transformational politician; he had changed a people in the course of changing himself. He was still president of the United States, but he was also still Barack Obama, and right before he rushed himself offstage it was nice to see that he damned well knew it.”
Charlie Pierce

Labels: Barack Obama