
Saturday, November 17, 2012


Today's Daniel Auteuil film was Claude Sautet's

Un Coeur en Hiver / A Heart in Winter (1992)

Autueil is a violin maker, as his partner, Andre Dussollier (a favorite), a violinist, Emmanuelle Beaert and Maurice Garrell, an older mentor.

The partner and the violinist fall in love but the violinist also falls for the violin maker who cannot return love. Has none to give.

It is hard to imagine putting a film together where the main character does not love others. He likes them, gets along with them, functions will in his society but he has no feelings for other people.

The script does the job beautifully along with the skilled actors. The music is another character in the film, Ravel sonatas. The cinematography is sensual and, when necessary, cold and distant. You feel what the character does not feel.

It is a great movie and I would not mind at all seeing it again.

A 4 out of Netflix5.

This is a great example of why I am such a fan of Daniel Auteuil. He has a challenging part and with very few words, only his face and body, conveys the prison that he has constructed for himself when among others.


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