
Friday, November 09, 2012


Today's Daniel Autieul film was the artsy

La fille sur le pont / Girl on a Bridge (1994)

Black and white homage to the 60s auteurs. Very nice.

It carries its own weight well. A man finds a girl, Vanessa Paradis, about to jump from a bridge and convinces her to work with him. He is a knife thrower.

There is a lot in here about luck and not luck.

They follow a circus and have good luck as well as perfect rapport until she falls, again, for another man. Not that she and the knife guy are lovers. But it breaks the concentration. To say the least.

Dr. Freud would have something to say about the image of knives being thrown by a man toward a woman. Eh?

What is admirable about this film is that it takes a hold on the viewer, me, and doesn't let go. I am not french let alone a scholar of the new wave but the film still appealed.

I will give it a high 3 out of Netflix5.


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