
Thursday, November 08, 2012


Today's Daniel Autieul film was

La veuve de Saint-Pierre / The Widow of St. Pierre

Another film from Quebec and filmed at the Louisburg restoration.

A captain and his wife take an interest in a man condemned to death for murder. He is waiting for a guillotine to arrive (French law) as well as an executioner.

As the convict gets to his good self, the social dynamics of the small colony become roiled.

This is a very old fashioned movie very well done.

The wife is Julliette Binoche. She and Autieul are wonderful together. He the sexy and supportive husband of a liberated woman.

The French will have their way with justice but as a social drama and character study, this film is superb.

Oh. "The widow" is the nickname for a guillotine.

I would not mind seeing it again. A 4 out of Netflix5.


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