
Friday, November 02, 2012


Today's Daniel Auteuil film was

Mon meilleur ami / My Best Friend (2006)

Also Dany Boon.

Totally conventional romantic comedy except the principals are two guys who have no friends, find each other and work their shit out. Learning to be a friend.

One is gregarious, an extrovert. The other reserved, an introvert. But neither knows how to get into the realm of friendship.

I am not sure about the art and science used here to show how to make a friend but we are more interested in the relationship between the two guys which is totally straight and not one homo hint. Just guys.

Auteuil is, as usual, perfect for the role. His charm is hidden but you know it is just lying in wait for the right situation.

I have seen this before so it is a 5 by definition but I will never see it again so that brings it down to a 3. It is not really a great film. Just wonderful acting and ensemble work.


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