
Thursday, October 25, 2012


The guys came today to prune our palo verde tree. It is in the courtyard, therefore "ours" and not the condo association. They also trimmed out the California oleander which has gotten very leggy.

Now we have sunlight.

We have a view!

This works perfectly for the seasons. Hot in summer, the palo verde grows abundantly. Thin leaves but so many there is a kind of translucent shade. Then in winter we get the full south sun which, of course, warms us directly. This being the desert.

I use the crew from the association after hours. Which is a little off the rules as they use the truck to take our branches away.

I await some kind of letter or objection. But no one has said anything for two years.

Doesn't that put us in some kind of precedent furrow?

All our plants are drought resistant now. The oleander is in a sort of built pot and, for a lot of the summer, I actually forgot to water it. Not a problem. It still produced. Of course it has deep roots. It has been here for decades.

I have a cactus garden which takes a little water once a week. Succulents which in the winter are the same once a week. Summer twice.

In the back we have some stuff the guys before us put in and they take some water but the lantana does not.

I have to admit the hibiscus all along the front need to be watered. But I am careful. There is always something out of line with the PC gospel. Those are it.

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