Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Do you remember how they demonized Michelle Obama even up to two years ago?
Now, not so much. She is extremely popular. Has overcome whatever shit they threw in her path.
She is more popular than he is. She is a winner.
Ed KIlgore reminisces about the bad old days.
What happened?
If anything what happened is Obama herself. She transcended the memes that were perpetrated about her.
She chose veterans' families and healthy diet as her areas of interest. She won with this.
She won with extraordinary good humor and an informal style which is very attractive.
She stood by her man. She is an extraordinary asset for any politician but this evolves out of their obvious deep relationship. They are a family values family. Living the life. They are even sexy and fun with each other in public.
Way out of the mainstream image of the Presidential couple.
Michelle. Speech tonight. Wonderful.

Labels: Re-election of Barack Obama