
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today's film was Gustavo Taretto's

Medianeras / Sidewalls (2011)

Great creative film. I loved it.

In a city aswarm with people and buildings two singles search for a better life. They live one building apart.

We often see them on the street, in situations, walking along or doing things. No connections.

Then lightning occurs. Almost literally. Something happens.

They connect. Then they part. They don't even know it is happening, until..........well, you wait and see.

Magical. Wonderful. Great use of graphics. A critique of architecture? Yes. That too.

They are both charming. Not beautiful but quite worthwhile and they should not be alone.

You should see this too.

I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5 because I want to see it again. I want to see how many near misses I missed the first time and to feel the wonder of the events as they unfold over four seasons.


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