Wednesday, August 01, 2012
So I went in at 630A, had my second eye surgery and left the building at 830A, came home and ate all my postponed food, took a nap and removed the bandage.
I was told that it all went well. But of course I wanted to SEE for myself.
At 230 PM it is still a bit blurry (they put in a lot of ointment) but it is pretty "clear" that the blur is passing and the view is getting sharper. I am guessing that it is the same sharp vision as the first one--eventually. It also seems to be more recovered at this time than the first one was.
There is a side issue. I had a high blood pressure and they didn't much like it. So I have called my Doc as instructed and told him what the numbers were.
If he wants to see me, I will go.
I tend to think that it was situational but then I am one to always put a rosy (?) tint to the picture.
I wish the report was more dramatic but this is the best I could do.
I am rather pleased and look forward to seeing it all by later this afternoon.
I go tomorrow at 810A for a look by Dr. Ho.

Labels: cataract surgery