Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Two docs yesterday.
Eye doc to review the second cataract operation. She was very happy with the result. So am I.
I have 20/20 vision in both eyes with glasses needed for close viewing.
I will go back to her in three months when she will dilate and look further at the results.
The close viewing "clics" that I bought are great. I wear them pretty much throughout the day. Not awkward.
I also have glasses stashed in the bathrooms for the occasional reading done there.
On the same day I went to Dr. Jim to review the medication for my blood pressure. I had doubled the prescription he gave me as he authorized me to do and so we have settled on two pills a day. The diuretic and the statin. One is a salmon color and the other ochre. Or light khaki.
The bp is holding pretty well at a "good level" and is expected to go down a bit more as the new single prescripted pills are a bit more than the original double dose.
It is odd have a condition in which the medication is "titrated" against the actual body conditions and response. Nice.

Labels: cataract surgery, health, hypertension