Thursday, August 23, 2012
I find it hard to believe all the hand wringing about our education system going to hell.
Sure there are problems. There were problems when I had Miss Bush hitting me on the fingers for some infraction. She also wrote our names on the board like demerits. Or Mr. Price who painted one fingernail red and mostly sat in the back of the class having kids go up and read stuff.
One of my kids got hit with the new math and never learned how to do long division. And so on.
There is always shit going on.
My Dad was on the school board in our town for years. The stories he would tell (and probably shouldn't have) were certainly not very encouraging about how the educational process was going on in the schools.
But I got into MIT. One of my kids got a PhD and another is working on one. All are useful citizens.
WTF is the problem?
If you are a ranter and raver read this.
American Education is not in a Catastrophic Decline.
Labels: education