Saturday, August 18, 2012
It has been steaming hot here. Hot and humid!
Time to get away.
My annual trip to the Bay Club Hotel on Shelter Island. San Diego. Across from that great city skyline.
I leave tomorrow morning and will stay four nights. An early morning drive back home on Thursday.
The weather is scheduled to be in the 60s and 70s with sun. The usual for mid August.
I hope to do the regular drive over the mountains, the back way. Route 74 and on. There has been a forest fire in that area for the last week but it was 100% under control yesterday.
I would not like doing all freeways but I will if I need to.
I have done this so many times, I have a routine. I will arrive about 1130 AM. The room will not be ready. I will have lunch at their great restaurant. The room will be ready about the time I finish that off.

If not, I will stroll across the street to the boat ramp which is one of my best places to sit.
Boats in. Boats out. Seals. Pelicans. Gulls. People walking along the long Island walk paths.
Air and sun. Of course I have plenty of that here. But it is different air and sun. Sea air and sun.
My three days will be the same. Up early and walk vigorously from the hotel to one end. Go back. Have at the great buffet breakfast. Go to my room, sit on the balcony on the marina side where hundreds of boats are tethered. There is always activity. People coming and going. Workmen doing shit.
Read a book.
An early room make up. When the maid arrives I take the second walk and go the other way and back. Vigorous of course.
Then back to the balcony or the boat ramp.
There will be lunch. A nap. A lot of sitting and watching.
That is it.
I will be alone. No computer. I do not turn on the teevee. There is a free daily paper. I will read that.
I have been going to this place for years. First for work. We trained trainers there in the little conference rooms.
Then, when we moved here I wanted an "escape" but I wasn't too interested in going very far. I went back there and the rest is history.
I always liked new places but the old favorites have a special resonance. I know where I am. I know how it works. I feel at home away from home.