Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I have to say that the anti-Obama movie worried me. Then I read that it had a high attendance over the weekend (fourth I think). That really worried me.
But I feel better now.
Kevin Drum went to see it so we do not have to.
Here is his report.
2016: Not As Scary As You Might Think
He reports a Palm Springs type crowd, less "the gays" of course. Old farts. Who already think that Obama is.....well, it is racist and scurrilous so why repeat it. And a lot of filler in the film focused on the producer, writer and director D'nesh DeSouza. Check it out.
There is not, apparently, anything in the film that has not been bandied about for four years one way or another. More about how Obama is the "other".
If Obama is "the other" then what does that make a guy named D'nesh DeSouza? Just sayin'.