
Friday, July 20, 2012


I got my hair cut today.

It looks great with the no-glasses thing.

I haven't been without glasses in many years. I was in Boston and we lived at Charles River Park. I had contacts and got viral conjunctivitis (along with a thousand other people) at a mega-optician/optometrist in Cambridge.

I went to Mass Eye and Ear right near our apartment and they tried one more time, got it again and that was that. They told me it would lie in wait for me. So I got glasses.

It would have to be around the eighties. 30 years ago.

For the past couple of days I have reached for them, either to put them on or take them off and they are not there.

Habit. Strong.

I am doing pretty well. The idea is for me, this week, to see if my brain will compensate for two different images at the same time. If so, if it gives preference to the right eye when I am just seeing things and I don't notice that there is a background or other image involved then I will get the left eye as a close up lens for reading.

So far there are periods where I am not at all conscious that there is a left eye. All is clear 20/20 plus right eye. Then if I think about it, it collapses and I see both.

This is with a left eye that is totally not corrected and has the worst of the cataracts in it.

So we shall see.

Still, no pain, no complications and a lot of drops on a regular schedule.

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