
Thursday, June 21, 2012


I have been watching gay shorts.

Yesterday was a collection of Asian gay shorts which was half good. That means they were sexy or funny or well acted or all three. The others were cautionary. Not good endings. Bad sex, unfaithful partners and badly acted.

The best was a short takeoff of a council of ministers to the young emperor. All in sumptious traditional costumes. Even those funny hats.

There was contention until, at a break, one rep of one side of the advisory body took some action. He took the clerk who was also the historian of traditions back to his room and seduced him.

It was quite nice seeing all those formal clothes being removed slowly. Very erotic.

The upshot is that they become lovers and the clerk begins to throw the decisions to his boyfriend's side. Also an abstract film about cruising. Very little connecting but I think the point is that much of the tingle comes from the chase.

You cannot get this disc except through Netflix. TLA or Amazon do not carry it.

Today I watched the gay short films of Constantine Giannaris. They are actually an hour long. Not very positive. A lot of film school shenanigans.

I don't require affirmative endings from gay films anymore but I did think that we were over the obligatory bad punishing ending. Also there is a little too much bisexual activity. A gay with a non-gay but something is in the air anyway. He doesn't address the something or the self hatred. He lets it kill or maim. Stay away from this DVD.

Scenes from Giannaris "Vortex". It is only five minutes long. But it will seem like half an hour.

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