Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Booker and I have been alone together for almost five days now.
He has adapted quite well to the routine but there is something missing. It shows up on the morning walk. We are not going the paths that he travels with John.
Booker pretty much picks the route. Today he picked a cross desert walk that we have not used in a very long time. He has not gone to any of the places that he and John frequent.
He gets a case of the slows towards the end. Not the same. A bit depressing. Today was better. More lively right up to the very last block. Then, the "dogging it".
Me? I am doing fine. As well as can be expected. :>).
I am always pretty busy and have an iron clad routine but the gym is out because of the dog walking and I didn't have to go to the store today so there was extra time. I don't cook, more extra time.
I fill it in with some unusual entertaining shit that just comes to my mind. It is like a vacation.
The other day Booker and I took a ride in the afternoon. Ages since we have done that.
I have been watching some short films on YouTube as there are always a screen load of suggestions that come up when I use trailers for the films that I have seen.
John called today since he moved from Orvieto to Arezza.
He will call again Thursday half way through his stay in Arezza, the hub for a bunch of day trips including Assissi, Montefalco, Todi and Urbino.
Here is a shot of Arezza.