
Thursday, March 15, 2012


This from today's Times

In Toledo, Biden Makes a Working-Class Appeal

They have turned Joe loose.

Today he named names and quoted quotes and held Mitten's feet to the fire.

There is nothing subtle about Biden and he is a joy to watch and hear. The videos of this speech are not available yet, but I mean to listen.


Yesterday morning on the way home from the gym, I was driving along, nothing going on when, suddenly, I saw a dog, a big dog, running right toward my right headlights!

So close I could draw you a picture.


I was on automatic and swerved just so to miss him then realized I had swerved into the opposite lane and at that speed, doing some pretty curvy jiving with the car which, out of my vast store of reflexive moves, I did just the right thing to set things aright and get back into my lane. The Volvo's handling helped a lot. I always felt in control and hugging the road.


I get the vision of it here and again during the last two days. Not too often but often enough to reprogram again for weird street events. Ready at all times>

Still a mystery, what was driving the pooch's death wish?

I didn't see anything in hot pursuit.

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