Thursday, March 22, 2012
In 2010, the IRS sent a memo to its offices from their legal department.
The department had ruled that for domestic partners in California, the partners could file as a couple. This is because California is a "community property" state. The link eludes me to this day but when we heard this we got in touch with our accountant and refiled for years 2007, 2008 and 2009.
If there is disparate incomes, the jointing helps a lot.
No one in the belly of the IRS had gotten the memo and, if they did, no one agreed on how the claims should be refiled. There was a joint property form which we subsequently filled out but as far as we can tell, when the joint claims arrived at the IRS, someone split them and the twain never met.
Over and over shit would happen. One of us would be declared delinquent, one of the Social Security accounts was garnished (max allowed 70 dollars a month) and so on.
Over and over we were hit with red tape, disinformation.
They also kept handing the hot potato to other offices. In the process we received instructions, often conflicting, from seven or eight offices.
Fast forward. In desperation our accountant got in touch with the IRS Advocates office, an internal watchdog. He also sent a letter to Senator Boxer who never replied.
Whatever worked, worked.
We have just gotten notice that our refunds will be forthcoming. We have two of the checks. Cashed them fast.
There is a lot of money involved.
And I will be most happy when the other checks arrive and get deposited.

Labels: government, money