Wednesday, February 29, 2012
I had a video chat with son Tom today and he said it was snowing. Maybe two inches worth. In Massachusetts.
I remember that. Snow. On the ground outside my window.
We have snow of course but you have to go up almost a couple of miles to be in it.
There is some now. Very pretty.
We have been having a very warm winter. There was a short freeze before the holidays but it didn't amount to much. A few bushes were nipped. Nothing in our yard.
But for the most part warm days and cool-ish nights.
I have worn a jacket or an overshirt a number of times but not for long.
I don't wear anything most days after 7AM. And I don't wear anything but my gym clothes for, well, the gym. The car is partly responsible for that. We have Volvo instant heat. A heat exchanger. So I walk a hundred feet into and out of the gym.

I would not be able to do this other years when wind and the thirties were on order. But we haven't had that kind of weather this year.
Since New Years it has been mostly warm in the days. 70s and then 80s. The pool is in use almost continuously by someone. Mostly people leasing a condo for a month or so. Too cold for locals.
And rain. Not much. They are predicting a low yield of desert flowers. In the past few years there have been a lot. So they started a desert flower fest. We look for any possible excuse to draw the tourists. Just in time for a drought of flowers the first year.
Actually, since we have been here there have been flowers about half of the time.
So, warm and dry, cool nights, some snow down to 5000 feet and now flowers.
That's it. Soon, a month or so. Hot and hot and hotter then really really hot. But we will cross that temp when we come to it.