Sunday, February 19, 2012
Today's film is gay favorite number 45 and a NYTimes Critics' Pick
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)
starring Michael Cera who has a gay roommate Kerin Culkin who is obviously the reason this film is on the gay list.
Kulkin is a knowing, cool gay who is, in a way, stereotypical and, at the same time, shatters all the stereotypes. A main character and a welcome one. Post gay, almost.
The film is very clever, modeled as it is on a video game format. Based on a comic, it will become, voila! a video game after the film distributes.
I have always liked Cera who is fey enough for all of us but strong. You have to see him.
This film is a victory for the nerds and outcasts of the day.
Cera is in love with a girl who has 8 ex's and he must defeat all of them before he can have the girl.
It is a great, original engaging movie that is way over the top but not too far. I liked it a lot and would be willing to see it again. A 4 out of Netflix5.