Friday, February 10, 2012
People who get upset about drone planes must be thinking about the alternative. Aren't they?
Come on. Objectively, what is the best way to stop one or more of these bastards who are fighting us?
Unless you believe that we should not be doing any attacking at all, pacifists or modified pacifists, then the drone is a very desirable tool.
It is accurate, scary, a deterrent actually. It minimizes both military and civilian collateral damage.
What's not to like unless you are bad guy.
So why do so many libs get all upset about it.
Well, there is the issue of whether you are going to knock off an American citizen or not. Maliki, a bad piece of work who went to war against his own country. No lack of proof about that. Due process? Get fucking serious.
Anyway, Kevin Drum has been thinking about it. This is a big day for him in this blog. Two articles on day! See the last one.
Drone Attacks Are Popular Because They're Better Than the Alternative
Labels: Administration Obama, war and peace