Saturday, February 04, 2012
I hear that today is the super bowl and that the New England team is playing. There is only one, right?
Beyond that I do not know about it.
I left football the year that I got hit in the face with a ball or maybe it was the year that someone scratched my dignity by pulling me down in the grass.
Maybe it was the year I realized I didn't know how to throw or catch the ovoid pig bladder. I guess it is the skin, huh.
Maybe I left when the other kids knew which side to run toward when there was a hike. A lineup. Whatever it is that goes on after the huddle.
I liked the huddle part.
People ran in all directions and I had no idea what was going on. If I was thrown the ball, I shrieked and ran away from it. Well, not really, but I often did run the wrong way. People quit throwing it to me.
So I quit playing. And as a result never learned the rules, the strategy and tactics or anything else about the game.
This continued life long.
My Dad wasn't interested in sports in general. At all. Football being the least of these. So. No role model. Not his fault. He liked professional wrestling and we even went to some local shows but that isn't sports.

I do not really understand basketball or hockey. A blur. Both of them. We had no ice and while we did play basketball, I never learned how to dribble. If I got the ball in gym class i would throw it away to someone else. Mostly I haunted the, ahh, what is it? The backcourt? I don't know.
So, it is really that I do not watch any professional sport and have no interest in it.
But football is everywhere now. Unavoidable. It used to be that if you were gay, you were inoculated against football fever. But no more. Half the guys I know will be cuddling up together today watching the tube. I suspect that it is to see the the commercials and the half time entertainment, Madonna!
But I can't stand her either.
This afternoon or whenever it is, I will be doing something else, somewhere else. When I walk Booker, the streets will be deserted. Fine. Another year has passed. Same reaction. I hope that the Patriots win because of my geographical orientation and that my family is into it.
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