Sunday, January 29, 2012
There is no doubt in my mind that the US has teams of commandos in Iran as I type.
And everywhere else.
And this will expand.
Friends of SEALS families know that there is always something afoot. And now there will be even more.
All the stuff I learned in the military, now 50 years ago, is long gone.
I was in the Quartermaster Corps. Not the safest place to be as you had to be out there feeding the troops while they were firing on you. Unless, like me, you got an admin job running an officer's club in CONUS.
There is no feeding in the field that way. It is all EZpacks and god knows what.
Everything is micro-sized. Small units. Invisibility. No more landings on beaches.
More of this on its way.
US to send floating commando base to Mideast
Drones. Action teams. Covert missions. A war with no front.
What I learned is that you moved from place to place by long truck caravans and flew to the action by a huge cargo/troop train. Not now. The soldiers take a commercial flight to the area from where they deploy small missions from a base near the action.
Now, on water. Which is a lot better since they can't get to you and they can get to them. Very few of the bad guys have any air or sea abilities.
Most of our stuff is only seen incoming. Bam.
I had to learn how to fire an M1 rifle. Not very well, actually. I was better left at the OClub. Now it is all joy sticking and sattelite shit doing the guiding.
I couldn't even see through the peep sight on the rifle. These guys can see right down into the target's asshole.
Labels: military, technology